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Student Life

Student Projects and Activities


乾燥機 Shinergy Advertisement



Some Indonesian students built a dryer that uses solar energy to process surplus crops. This technology will help Indonesian farmers to store and preserve their products and earn extra income. 

香皂 Saraling Advertisement


A group of Indonesian students produced an environmentally friendly natural soap under the guidance of thier teacher. This soap deeply moisturizes people's skin. 

自動澆水APP Caditech Advertisement


Some international students from Indonesia designed a smart-sprinkler application. This software helps farmers save time and water plants automatically. 

清潔劑 Rue.sik Advertisement


Some Indonesian students at TCUST made a multi-purpose liquid soap under teacher supervision. This soap is environment-friendly and used to do the laundary, mop the floor, and wash the dishes. 

能量棒 Quinoa Bites Advertisement


Under the guidance of teachers and practitioners, students of the Department of Marketing and Distribution Management make red quinoa energy bites. This biscuit is a healthy snack.  




The teacher thought the students how to make dumplings which is one of the most popular food in Taiwan.


TCUST 30th Anniversary celebration, our students join the party and school fair.


In farm practice class, Our students learn how to process raw material ingredients into high value food products.


By performing roleplay in Chinese, our students learned to improve their speaking skill.  On the right-side, they studied Good-Manufacturing-Process (GMP) by making dried-fruit ice cream. 


Our students attended workshop on design-thinking by John Hopkins Carey Business School Professor, Laurie Churchman, MFA to improve their creativity on problem solving.


Our students were having cultural exchange experience to strengthen relationship between the local and international student by enjoying kayaking in Liyu Lake, Hualien.





Why you need agrihubbers(Youtube)




Some Indonesian students at TCUST made a multi-purpose liquid soap under teacher supervision. This soap is environment-friendly and used to do the laundary, mop the floor, and wash the dishes.