學生作品與活動 |
印尼學生不僅將印尼美食轉化為好吃蔬食,更學以致用,藉由網路行銷,推廣家鄉傳統小吃。 觀賞 Youtube 影片
每周五,行管系學生經營的咖啡館,在知足二館(藝文中心)為您服務。 行管系學生藉由咖啡館經營,學習進貨/盤點/成本控制/行銷推廣/等經營管理的創業體驗 |
不同年級、不同國籍,一起學習,互相交流 |
排球賽 |
專題發表會 |
Our student attended workshop on design-thinking by John Hopkins Carey Business School Professor, Laurie Churchman, MFA to improve their creativity on problem solving. 霍普金斯大學教授 Laurie Chruchman 為行管系學生講授 [設計思考]design-thinking 的課程,協助學生建立創新創業所需的能力。 |
Our student were having cultural exchange experience to strengthen relationship between the local and international student by enjoying kayaking in Liyu Lake, Hualien. 本國生與外籍生的文化交流體驗。行管系學生在花蓮著名景點鯉魚潭參加獨木舟課程。 |
Due to the Covid - 19 virus outbreak, our students have been maintaining their social distances as well as wearing mask at all times. |
Our students were having cultural exchange experience for the local and international student through by play interesting game to increase the students friendship. 行管系一年級本國生與外籍生交流互動,透過玩遊戲等方式增加系上學生感情。 |
Pay attention to the students’ diversified development and learn to play the piano. 注重學生的多元發展,學習彈奏鋼琴。 |
Our student attended the Farm Practice class at National Hualien Agricultural Senior High School to improve their farming knowledge and crop cultivation skills. 為學習農業經濟與農業行銷,學生參加國立花蓮高農的農業課程,親身體驗種植的過程。 |
Video (From DaAi News, 影片長度01:47) 慈濟科技大學迎接829位新生,其中有33位來自印尼的新生,特地來慈科行管學習農業的經營和行銷,雖然信仰和生活習慣有所不同,學校都有貼心的規畫,尊重不同的信仰。 |
學生專題 - 東部生活型態 - 社企聚落專區 |
專題-花冬好農 |
Why you need agrihubbers part2 Why you need agrihubbers(Youtube) |